Not all schools open and close the academic year at the same time! In fact, it can vary quite a bit by region. Use our data on school open and close dates across the country to drive your education marketing decisions and promotions. Be ready to launch at the start of the school year or take advantage of unspent money at year-end. Get our full report including open and close dates broken down by state.

For the 2024-2025 school year, 47% of schools reported an early opening date of before August 16, 35% reported mid-range opening dates of August 16 though August 31, and 16% reported a later opening date of after August 31. As for closing dates, 56% of public schools reported closing prior to June 1, 30% are closing in the mid-range of June 1 through June 15, and 12% are closing after June 15. To get the full details on school open and closing dates by state, download our full report by filling out the form.
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