Holly Grundon

  • Public School Open and Close Dates in the United States

    Public School Open and Close Dates in the United States

    Not all schools open and close the academic year at the same time! In fact, it can vary quite a bit by region. Use our data on school open and close dates across the country to drive your education marketing decisions and promotions. Be ready to launch at the start of the school year or…

  • Higher Education Catalog

    Higher Education Catalog

    Higher Education Market Catalog Download our catalog for countless details about the $702 billion-dollar higher education market, and learn how institutions, faculty, administrators, and more impact it. Features over 3,800 college courses nationwide. We’ve organized our catalog by broad subject areas, so you can double-click into different disciplines, such as: This invaluable resource will help…

  • By the Numbers: Financial Literacy in U.S. Schools

    By the Numbers: Financial Literacy in U.S. Schools

    How to best teach students financial literacy in schools is a hot topic in education right now. To gain insight into financial literacy in schools, MDR spoke to over 600 teachers and administrators. We asked what financial literacy instruction currently looks like in their districts, which grade levels were receiving this instruction, and what additional…

  • Public School Enrollment: What Does it Look Like Right Now?

    Public School Enrollment: What Does it Look Like Right Now?

    This information on public school enrollment can help you know which states and districts represent the best opportunities for your products and services. Our public school enrollment infographic offers a snapshot of data by district size and region, as well as ten-year trends. Get answers to these questions, and more: Come away with important takeaways…

  • U.S. School Spending Update

    U.S. School Spending Update

    Get details on all instructional materials and current expenditure spending in U.S. schools in our school spending infographic. MDR tracks school spending in U.S. K-12 public schools in two categories—All Instructional Materials (AIM) and Current Expenditures. Plus, we’ve got helpful information like which states spend the most per student and a graph of the percentage…

  • How Do School Supply Lists Get Created?

    How Do School Supply Lists Get Created?

    Download the infographic to get all the school supply lists stats. Every year, millions of families head out with new school supply lists to purchase the notebooks, three-ring binders, pencils, crayons, and backpacks that their children need to be ready to learn. How do these school lists happen? Together with WeAreTeachers.com, we gathered research from…

  • How Teachers Use Social Media

    How Teachers Use Social Media

    Teachers use social media daily to search for classroom ideas, connect to one another, and shop for deals But how exactly do they use it? Which channels do they visit daily? Is there a favorite channel that teachers can’t get enough of, and one that they’re willing to ditch? We did the legwork, so you…